Temporary Shelter

for a huang lian po to be. or already.

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Sunday, October 01, 2006

Wicked Angel

So they say she looks like this. The tooth fairy. But I really wonder.

Ever since the fairy's visit, HH's sleep has turned haywire again.

1. She chooses to nap at 8pm. And wakes up at 9pm. And refuses to sleep at 10pm. For the past 3 nights, it took me 1.5hrs to get her to sleep, at 11.30pm. Heavens!
2. Not only does she not want to turn in at 10pm, she refuses to rock in the sarong too. Even in a state of drowsiness, she would wake up and cry when I put her in the sarong. Although she doesn't protest when I lay her on the mattress, she would flip and roll herself around (to 180 degrees!) for a good 30 mins, until she loses all feeling of sleepiness. I don't know what she has against the sarong now. Does the rocking hurt her gums???
3. The only viable way is to sling her and pat her. She would fall asleep in the koala position and then I place her down.
4. Nursing her to sleep is the last resort. I don't wish to make this a habit. As it is, she has too much dependence on me already. Sleep should NOT be a result of nursing.

Sighz.... I wonder why the pretty fairy would do this to me.
Or maybe it was not the tooth fairy, but this little fellow who dropped by?

Oh oh!


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