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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Offending Breastbone

Any idea where the breastbone is? Or more specifically, where the tip of the bone is?

I never really cared. Until Sunday.

Mom had discovered HH has a rather protruding bone located where the ribcages join. It doesn't protrude as in jut out, but it can be easily felt when you feel her chest.

This was a few weeks back.
Then, I did not register it as anything too major. Because HH obviously does not hurt from it and she appeared very delighted when Mom, me and Bro all surrounded her and took turns to touch her chest. Although I am unable to locate the sharpness on myself, Bro said it was normal.

Saturday night, it suddenly occured to me to ask the mommies to check their babies since we were all going to meet in class the next day.

After class, I got the mommies to feel HH. While we were dicussing if the presence of the bone was normal, Mommy K's new domestic help who was a nurse, came up to feel and declared it was ABnormal. In fact, she obviously felt it important enough to warn me a few times. "Must see doctor. Very Important."

The seriousness of her tone gripped my heart. And got me pretty worried.

I started to imagine the worst.
What if the doctor shake his head, call for xray, put HH through other tests, and finally surgery???

The images were heart wrenching. The entire evening, I kept hugging HH close.


On Mommy K's suggestion, I called for a PD appointment early in the morning and got one scheduled. HH is almost due for her Hep B jab anyway.

HH was routinely checked for weight, height, head circumference and had her development progress recorded. (W: 7.9kg, H: 67cm, C: 43cm)

The PD examined her and said lightheartedly: Oh, that's the tip of the breastbone. In some, it can be quite protruding. But it's ok. Nothing to worry about.

Within the span of the 10 mins in the PD's office, HH had her thigh poked and I had my worries put to rest.
We left with teething gel and medication for constipation.


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